Although nanoscapes are no longer tiny, my Painstaking Exuberance keeps me focused on small spaces. The nearly completed Long Rings 2010 is 15x23" and its long rings encase tiny spaces.
The image on the left is very early pencil-and-Davy's Gray stage. I started with the largest Rings and began to sketch in some nano designs which just flow. Can't explain it.
The image on the right is well into the Davy's Gray stage. The one ring with color is a reminder that I can't resist new things, even if they throw the painting process out of order. I'd gotten a tube of Daniel Smith Cobalt Blue Violet and couldn't wait to use it on this wonderful 300 # Arches paper. It is very thick, and feels like painting on felt -- very welcoming felt, that absorbs paint like a sponge and holds the color.
Very nice Susan!!