Bessie, Bead Belly Block Feather |
Bessie, the Bead Belly Block Feather, was once an undistinguished gray bird from a family whose name has been lost in the mists of time. When her flock-mates departed without her, she became an orphan. Making matters worse, her singing voice never developed beyond an anemic peep.
She made her way to a small cabin in the North Woods, owned by a Committed Crafter, whose toolkit and workbench were the envy of her pals, many of whom she knew from
Etsy. The always-busy Crafter kept to herself, quietly creating work that is beloved by small children and adults who wish that they were still small children.
Bessie landed in a pot of orange dye when she flew into the cabin window. Shaking herself dry, as birds do, the dye showered onto a silk scarf, creating a beautiful, unpredictable pattern, and the beginning of a great partnership. Bessie and the Crafter now collaborate on a line of silk scarves, which incorporate Bessie's Dye Shakes, and a group of ceramic tiles which capture her Dance Tracks.
The more that she explored color, the more color she wanted for herself. She learned to carefully dance toward a low-temp glue gun, and the to roll into her favorite beads. She often changes the color and shape of her Block Feathers with gel and shaping products.
Along with her friend "Bird Brain," Bessie will represent the letter "B" in the Small Friends Alphabet.
Bessie is 5" wide x 6" tall. The original is for sale for $250. Matted prints for $40 are available through the
nanoscapes website under the both the "What's New" and "Small Friends" sections in the Portfolio.