Purple Philo Post Card |
Fond as I was of the two small "Torn Paper" post cards that I painted a few weeks ago, their name never quite fit. I thought for a time that they were inspired by
Hawaiian Applique Quilts, and research -- actual research -- proved me wrong.

Huzzah! While on a four-day-three-school
Pass the Baton Alternative Careers trip to Florida, I realized that the true inspiration for these paintings are Philodendron leaves. Small ones. Large ones. Really large ones like the ones in the
Conservatory at San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Those are worth the trip. I was speechless and confused when I first saw five-and-seven-foot leaves, but a helpful Conservatory horticulturist explained that the plant in my living room would look like this if it were to live for 100 years in a greenhouse or a jungle.
Orange Philo Post Card |
Philodendron #1 (below) traveled with me to Florida where I spoke on Alternative Careers at Ave Maria School of Law, Florida Coastal School of Law, and Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law. A grand shout-out to the excellent and gracious career services staff at each school!
NOTE TO TRAVELERS: Flying Delta to Ft. Myers, Jacksonville and Orlando meant
four days in Florida and
four hours in Atlanta, because I had to fly back to Atlanta to make each of these Florida connections.
Philodendron #1 -- in progress |
Created with nanoscapes' Painstaking Exuberance, Philodendron #1 is nearly finished, and this 12x16 watercolor will be for sale on the nanoscapes website on October 31. Original: $400.
A 22x33 Philodendron is in progress.